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To donate online:
1. Click here.
2. Select the “OTHER” fund category
3. In the text box that appears, type "Harvard Opportunes 330275."
To donate via check:
1. Make your check out to Harvard University
2. Include "Harvard Opportunes" in the memo line
3. Mail your check to our Business Manager:
Dessa Kavrakis
1201 Mass Ave
134 Adams Mail Center
Cambridge, MA 02138
Where does the donation go?
Support from our donors allows the Opportunes to continue doing what we love to do—from producing professional recordings to performing in the Boston area and beyond! It also helps make the Opps accessible, allowing us to subsidize the costs of group travel, jam attire, and more for individual members.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Yes! Giving to the Opportunes gift fund is just giving to a subset of the Harvard College Fund, so your donation will be tax-deductible.
What size of donation is expected?
There is no expected donation size -- anything helps, and we appreciate any support you can give! Whatever you are able to contribute makes a difference.
Does giving to the Opportunes fund count as a gift to the University?
Yes! By donating to the Opportunes gift fund, you are demarcating a donation to Harvard to go toward supporting the Opportunes, and you will receive recognition from the university for doing so.