In 1980, two Harvard-Radcliffe students, Simin Yazdgerdi and Suzanne Goldsmith, transformed a loosely organized singing group known as the Harvard Squares into Harvard’s first full-fledged mixed a cappella ensemble, The Harvard Opportunes.
Over the years, the Opportunes have won widespread acclaim for our intricate harmonies and bold stage presence. Though we are all seasoned musicians, our interests span Harvard's vast curriculum and we participate in countless clubs, athletics, publications, service programs, and other performance groups.
As Harvard's oldest all-gender a cappella group, the Opportunes strive not only to produce consistently high-quality live and recorded music, but also to engage our dedicated network of supporters—including family, friends, fans, and alumni—and do business in a way that reflects our group's mission to build a sustainable organization.
You can find us on Spotify, Apple Music, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and SoundCloud. Thanks for checking us out!
Our crew
William Flowers '26
Rhys Moon '26
Danny Denenberg '26
Elizabeth Crawford '26
Gabrielle Medina '26
Charlotte Stokes '27
Maggie Chiappetta-Uberti '26
Dessa Kavrakis '27
Esperanza Murray '27
Kaylor Toronto '27
Soren James '27
Avni Kamat '26
Eli Abel '28
Bekuochukwu Uzo-Menkiti '28
Hope Lee '28

BEING AN opportune
Contrary to popular belief, the best part of being an Opportune isn't getting to perform incredible music, or recording professionally produced albums and music videos, or even traveling around the world on our international tours. The best part of being an Opportune is our incredibly close family! Rehearsals and performances are really just an excuse for us to hang out with our best friends. We are so happy we get to share our Opps Love with you all!